Upcycle 升級再造

We upcycle damaged cookware by spraying a new non-stick coating provided by Daikin.


Learn more about Daikin Coating 。。了解更多有關大金凃料。。

如何翻新? How to Refurbish?

1. 如有塑膠/木製手柄請先自行拆除 Please remove plastic/wooden handle beforehand.

我們不能翻新用鍋釘/柳釘繫上手柄的廚具 (除了金屬手柄)We cannot refurbish cookware with handle that is attached using riveted needles. (Except metal handle)

2. 到「我們的服務」選購服務 Proceed to 'Our Services' to place order.


After placing the order, staff from GRPan will contact you via Whatsapp

3. 請先標記名字和電話於要翻新的廚具 Please mark down your name and phone no. on the cookware.

4. 請將廚具送到以下其中一個收集點 Please take your cookware to one of the collection points below.


  • 火炭黃竹洋街9-13號仁興中心702室

收集時間:星期一至五 10:00-16:00


  • 灣仔駱克道150-158號祥有大廈Unit A, 1/F



  • 油麻地彌敦道545號安利大廈11樓

收集時間:星期二至日 13:00-21:00

5. 翻新需時大概15個工作天 The refurbishment process takes around 15 working days.

6. 順豐將會安排寄送完成翻新的廚具 The refurbished cookware will be delivered via SF delivery


*Cheaper delivery fee for delivering to SF stations

翻新代替購買 Refurbish not Purchase

免責聲明 Disclaimer:


Minor defects may appear after refurbishment but the non-stick performance will not be affected.

FAQs 常見問題

How do I send the cookware to your workshop? 我如何發送厨具到你們工作坊重新噴塗?

1. You can send your cookware pieces to our Fotan workshop directly by person or via local delivery services

2. We can collect your cookware pieces by appointment in accordance to our district promotion schedule with Mil Mill Bus.

3. We can collect your cookware at MTR by appointment with $20/pcs charge.

4. You may drop off your cookware at CGS Wanchi shop @$20/order.

5. You may send your cookware to us via The LOOPS services.

1. 您可以將您的厨具直接由專人或通過送貨服務送到我們的火炭工坊。

2。 我們可以根據我們與 Mil Mill Bus 的地區促銷時間表預約領取您的厨具。

3. 我們可以預約到港鐵領取您的厨具,費用為$20/件。

4. 您可以將厨具交到 CGS 皇冠牌灣仔店,價格為每單 $20。

5. 您可以通過 The LOOPS 服務將您的厨具發送給我們。

How can I collect the refurbished cookwares? 我如何從你們工作坊領回噴塗好厨具?

1. You can pick up your cookware pieces at our Fotan workshop directly by person or via local delivery services pick up.

2. We can deliver your cookware pieces by appointment in accordance to our district promotion schedule with Mil Mill Bus.

3. We can deliver your cookware at MTR by appointment with $20/pcs charge.

1. 您可以將您的厨具直接由專人或通過送貨服務由我們的火炭工坊領回。

2。 我們可以根據我們與 Mil Mill Bus 的地區促銷時間表預約你領取您的厨具。

3. 我們可以預約到港鐵交回您的厨具,費用為$20/件。

How long does the cookwares refurbishment service take? 一般要多久噴塗好厨具?

Usually, it takes 15-20 working days for the respray once we received the cookwares at our workshop. 一般我們15-20個工作天便可以把收到的厨具噴塗好。